General Secretary
The General Secretary assists the Executive Committee and other third parties appointed by the Executive Committee. Furthermore, the General Secretary organizes the SECA Events. Workshps and Trainings, composes the SECA eNewsletter and takes care of the daily business.
maurice.pedergnana [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at*
SECA General Secretary (Geschäftsführer)
PhD; working as lecturer and professor for Banking + Finance at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, chief economist at Zugerberg Finanz AG and former member of the BoD of Zurich Cantonal Bank as Chairman of the Audit Committee (1999-2011).
andrea.villiger [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at*
Head of the SECA Administration
Mainly working for the IFZ Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as coordinator for the Seminars/Conferences for the IFZ.
marianne.zutter [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at*
Secrétariat Romand