Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Unternehmensfinanzierung
Association Suisse des Investisseurs en Capital et de Financement
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Communication & Media

Venture Capital and Private Equity Investments contribute significally to the economic growth and the innovation process in Switzerland. SECA offers a variety of tools to inform and communicate with its members and other interested parties. Besides events SECA publishes a weekly eNewsletter and a series of other publications, many of them authored or co-authored by academics.

  • Miriam Dippe-Nistor, member of the SECA Board, coordinates information and networking of SECA Chapter Communication & Media.
Full Members

Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Grafenauweg 10
Postfach 4332
6304 Zug

Phone: +41 41 724 65 75