Dear Reader Turkeys are nice birds. When the European immigrants first hit on America, the Indians had already domesticated them. That was easy, they said, „they always turned up when we harvested our maize“. The European immigrants soon came to appreciate the beautiful bird. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, much preferred the turkey to the Bald Eagle as national emblem, because, he argued, the Bald Eagle was of bad moral character, a thief stealing fish from the Fish Hawk and a coward to boot.
His countrymen called Benjamin Franklin a turkey and voted for the scoundrel bird, and so the Bald Eagle made it to the coat of arms and the turkey to the pot. Countless turkeys are fattened for Thanksgiving, some pampered with extra bonuses and extra helpings of maize, and the biggest and fattest makes it to the White House, where the press flatters it and it is greatly honored.
At its proudest moment a Black Swan event will hit the turkey, an unforeseen disaster that will wipe out its future forever. Custom wants the President to pardon the honorable member of the fowl community, but I believe it meets the fate it got raised for. It gets killed and stuffed and roasted and eaten.
Have a nice Thanksgiving Day!
Maurice Pedergnana