Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Unternehmensfinanzierung
Association Suisse des Investisseurs en Capital et de Financement
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SECA Band 08 - Assessments and Valuation of High Growth Companies

Valuation is a key topic in the financing and development of high growth companies. The goal of this study is to bridge the existing gap between the assessment of a company and the financial valuation. Many models exist to capture soft factors, and many more studies have been conducted to understand financial valuation models. In this study, the first step is to develop an assessment framework to capture the value drivers for high growth companies. Based on literature research, an empirical study with 52 valuations, and an iterative process this assessment framework has been built.

English, 291 pages, Patrik Frei, 2006
CHF: 58

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Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Grafenauweg 10
Postfach 4332
6304 Zug

Phone: +41 41 724 65 75